Thursday, April 22, 2010

DAYS 36 thru 42: fotos thru bryce canyon, bonus text

EUREKA, NEVADA | Thursday, April 22, 2010 | Rt. 278, Sundown Lodge, Room 114

Fotos are piling up. This batch spans late breakfast in Comstock, Texas, on Day 36, thru Bryce Canyon, Day 42, including a shot of the notorious, impassable Fairy Tale Hill.

Late breakfast here in Comstock, Texas, along the US-Mexico border, with a group of cyclists on a cross-country trip. US border patrol is not pictured, but across the road. I had the tamale pie - three tamales over fritos, chili and cheese. Adrienne had eggs with side of bacon (came with about 5 pieces. She shared).



Broken-down roof in Langtry, Texas. 



Creosote in bloom in Langtry. Yellow flowers, cotton fluff, green leaves. The shrub of the desert. Delicious smell after rain.



 Abandoned gas station outside Alpine, Texas.



Cloud shadows west of Alpine. We take millions of photos like these. They don't really translate completely. But like a biker from back East I met one morning said, every road out West is scenic.



Adrienne filming street scene in Marfa. We loved Marfa.



One of Donald Judd's one hundred milled aluminum boxes. The boxes are arrayed in long rows in two adjacent brick buildings that served previously, among other things, as military barracks. Judd bought them back in the 1970s and renovated them to display his and other artists' work.



Another aluminum box, this one containing an abyss.



Last box here. 



Stormy. Rain skein.



Sign: WHAT YOU SEE IS NOT WHAT IT IS. Marfa. Many of the buildings bought up and preserved by Judd kept there original facades. The Marfa National Bank building, for example, is not a bank, even if it says it is. Today it is art space.



Strange unexplained things pass by in the desert. In this case, west of Marfa, a huge blimp. Black dots are cows grazing nearby.



Stranger still, a Prada shop, Prada Marfa above the awnings, about 10 miles west of Marfa downtown. No entry. Just irony beacon.



Late light at Van Horn, Texas. Across the street from our motel, the Desert Inn.



Old auto shop. Liked the truck. And maybe that's an Alamo reference in the building facade. Van Horn, Texas.



Finally! After more than 5,000 miles, we capture the delicious earth-friendly B99. Pure biodiesel. We load up all we can, about 17 gallons. Anthony, New Mexico. 



Street scene, Hatch, New Mexico. 



Yellow Truck's shadow as we race north, racing the sunset.



The road to Chaco Canyon.



Chaco ruins interior. Multi-story buildings from ninth century. Northwestern New Mexico.



Cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde, in southwestern Colorado. beauties



Awesome power lines in desert of Rt 160, headed to Bryce Canyon.



The dreaded Fairy Tale Hill, on Cottonwood Canyon Road. We couldn't crest it. Had to give up the short cut and take the normal way.



Bryce Canyon. "Probably the coolest thing on earth." -Adrienne



Juicy erosion at Bryce.

time to hit the road. more asap. Love, A and J

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so, burningly, JEALOUS! Those photos are fantastic, thanks!
